Saturday, 6 October 2007

Space Tourist? Astronaut?

I received this image in my email few days ago.

Frankly, I never concern about sending "Malaysian Astronaut" to outer space.
As far as I'm for sure, from the beginning, it won't be a chinese nor indian.

By the time I read this email, I just wondered that medical doctor/part-time model Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor (some parties address him as Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor) is just a SPACE FLIGHT PARTICIPANT in NASA eyes?
Just to double confirm the term SPACE FLIGHT PARTICIPANT , I surfed NASA website. is 100% true, "Malaysian SpaceFlight Participant".

Haha, that is pretty funny, and I just curious what/how would the local media presses address "Malaysian Astronaut" in their news reporting.

Here we go:

Both English media presses (Star & NST) used the different terms. I just wondering 1 party used "angkasawan" instead of "astronaut". What is the rasional? Was it tried to avoid such confusing situation? Is he or is he not an astronaut? Or just Space Tourist?

Malaysia Boleh? Apa pun cakap boleh. It is still a very very VERY LONG way to go before Malaysia is 100% capables to send "THE REAL MALAYSIAN ASTRONAUTS" to outer space with her own outer space technology and advancements. Is it got to wait for another 50 years? 100 years? or 500 years?
Is the T&C at least 45% of engineers & top management positions in the organization must be filled up by bumi(s) still comply by that time?

Further reading on: Is he or is he not an astronaut?


Crankster said...

Where got astronaut? Bullshit la!

Jake said...

astronaut also good, space participant also good, will it helps or benefits anybody? I don think so. so let it be.